Tag Archives: FREE ebook
Buy The Lord Meets His Lady, Get Meet My Love at Midnight *FREE*
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A Free Romance: Meet My Love at Midnight
Here's how it works:
*Pre-order a copy of The Lord Meets His Lady
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*Fill out the form below and you'll receive a FREE copy…
An Excerpt: To Steal a Viking Bride by Gina Conkle
Excerpt from the short story, To Steal a Viking Bride by Gina Conkle
(story found in Tales of the Valkyries)
“Please. Gunnar. Wait.”
Wind blasted his hair as he charged ahead. Men scrambled around the humble waiting…
A FREE eBook ~ Timeless Kisses
Remember your first kiss?
Ten historical romance authors joined together to celebrate "Timeless Kisses" ~ an ebook full of "first kiss" scenes from their historical romance novels.
Just in time for Valentine's Day!
Grab your FREE ebook copy…