Thanks to author Judy Duarte, you can hear about what’s next.  Judy writes heart-warming romance, and she tagged me for this fun blog (look at the end of the blog for more from her and other writers).  When you get a chance, check out her latest book Christmas on Nutcracker Court under Mulberry Park Books on her website


Here’s something coming soon from me…

What is the working title for your book?

Norse Jewel.  It comes out summer 2013.

Where did the idea come from for the book?

Call it a mix of nerdy girl meets Hollywood.  I read a Smithsonian book, Vikings: North Atlantic Saga, around the same time the movie “Gladiator” was popular.  My “what if…” moment was “What if a Viking didn’t want to be a warrior anymore?”  like Maximus in the Roman world.

Voila! Norse Jewelwas born.

What genre does your book fall under?

Viking Romance


Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

Kate Beckinsale = Helena.  Chris Hemsworth = Hakan


What is a one-sentence synopsis of your book? 

A captive woman seeks her freedom, but a Norse chieftain takes her away to his distant home where he expects to live a peaceful life; their battle begins as the kingdom crumbles and the entrancing thrall melts the warrior’s icy heart.


Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

Norse Jewel will be published by Entangled’s new imprint “Scandalous” and I’m represented by Sarah E. Younger of Nancy Yost Literary Agency.


How long did it take to write the first draft of the manuscript?

First draft, 10 months.  Published version, 20+ revisions at least!


What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

Josie Litton’s Viking Trilogy (Dream of Me, Come Back to Me, Believe in Me)


Who or what inspired you to write this book?

There was a mix situations and people.  I read about Olof Skotkonung (real 2nd King of Sweden in Norse Jewel) and a brave thing he did in AD 1022.  The Vikings have a reputation for brutality but good King Olof tried to change that.  His courage inspired me.


What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

Check out  for more about Norse Jewel and other Viking men (alpha males galore, ladies!).  I’m working on a series called “The Forgotten Sons” and will have a novella from that Viking world coming in 2013.  Stay tuned!



As I close, special thanks again to Judy Duarte.  She has a generous heart and is a prolific writer.  Here’s a link to her blog:


The Next Big Thing- Featuring Judy Duarte | RWA San Diego…


Coming soon…

Guest bloggers with “The Next Big Thing” are

Jeanne Dickson


Suzy Kue