Category Archives: Dark Ages
How Far into North America did Vikings go? Part 1
The case of the Kensington Runestone
Take a trip to central MinnesotaIn 1898, Swedish immigrant Olof Ohman unearthed the stone pictured above in Douglas County, Minnesota. Ohman found the stone tangled in tree roots while clearing…
How to Eat Like a Viking: The Magic of Mead by Gina Conkle
What comes to mind when someone says Viking? Ham-fisted warriors raising a horn of mead in one hand and a leg bone of fowl in the other? Today's post refines that view with a peek…
How ‘Dark’ were the Dark Ages for Women?
The Dark Ages.
Those times conjure bad images. Disease. Famine. Poverty.
When barbarians trounced Rome, a power vacuum hung over Europe. The vast connection of roads once protected by Roman soldiers gave way to outlaws. By the…