Category Archives: Georgian romance
Buy The Lord Meets His Lady, Get Meet My Love at Midnight *FREE*
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The Lord Meets His Lady Pre-Release Excerpts

The Lord Meets His Lady
The Scene Set-up: Lord Marcus offered to help Genevieve once before, which she turned down. Circumstances made her rethink that refusal. She’s having a tough time divulging painful secrets while…
What if Cinderella doesn’t want her shoe back?
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Cyrus Ryland didn't become England's wealthiest bachelor by being a pushover, but the mysterious beauty he discovers sneaking around at his…
Battle of the Books: First “He’s Hot” Moment by Gina Conkle*
The Battle of the Books continues...
Two novels in my Midnight Meetings series are launching in these final months of 2017: The Lord Meets His Lady (book 3) and Meet a Rogue at Midnight (book 4, a novella). Part of…
Battle of the Books: First Funny Moment (re-blogged from Sourcebooks Casablanca)
The Battle of the Books continues...
Two novels in my Midnight Meetings series are launching in these final months of 2017: The Lord Meets His Lady (book 3) and Meet a Rogue at Midnight (book 4, a novella). Part of…
A Book Birthday Surprise!
It's my youngest son's birthday this month. His birthday also times up with the release of Meet a Rogue at Midnight. To celebrate, I'm giving some books away!
You met Jonas in Meet the Earl at Midnight.…
Two “First Meets” in Romance – A Battle of the Books

The "Meet Cute" ranks up there in romance with "First Kiss" and the "Big Ending." We like them quirky, funny, poignant, or hair-on-fire-mad (like an enemies to lovers first meet). We like them in contemporary…
Advanced Peek at Mr. Beckworth from Midnight Meetings series, book 8

Midnight Meetings series, Book 8
Chapter One
A man in possession of a humble fortune knows the trials and tribulations of finding a wife. When said gentleman is neither titled nor well-connected in Society, the challenge grows…
It’s in His Kiss – A Battle of the Books by Gina Conkle (cross-posted with Casablanca Author’s Blog)

It's been fun this year to see two very different heroes come into their own: Lord Marcus Bowles, a second son and Jonas "Bacon" Braithwaite, man of business for the Earl of Greenwich.
Both men appear…
“I have a few requirements, milord…” an excerpt from The Lord Meets His Lady by Gina Conkle
The Lord Meets His Lady
Midnight Meetings series, book 3
Where rakish Lord Bowles fixes a cottage, and his impertinent housekeeper fixes his heart
An excerpt: "I have a few requirements milord..."
Miss Turner bent over at the hearth,…